Mina dikter :D

You are so close but yet so far away! Memories of you keep you close to me and I am afraid that one day these memories will fade away ♥

Det vi hade kändes som en dröm,
 snabb och lämnar dig utan förklaring.
 I början vacker och fin och i mitten av drömmen rörlig och katastrof och i slutet förstår man inte att det är slut , att drömmen är över!
 Och inte sann!

I remember the first day I saw you
I will always remember first time we talked
Our first kiss will be a memory
Our goodbye will always cross my mind ...


Oh I kiss you
Oh how much I have missed you
Oh I see you
Oh I feel you
Oh I hear you
...Oh I’m in your embrace
Tears falls down from my eyes
Wondering why…
I open my eyes and see that it was only a dream….and I realize that you’re not MINE anymore..

I hate you because you drag with you so much pain in me,
I hate you for doing so that I miss you,
I hate you for doing so that I think about you day and night,
I hate you because you are in my dreams,
I hate you for doing so that I cry constantly,
...I hate you so much,
But can all this be just a feeling of hatred??


Älskar den andra:)

2011-01-31 @ 17:36:57 | http://inasdag.blogg.se/

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