Kimberly MacIntyre: I'm Kim, I'm from Las Vegas. I wear size 8 shoes, I have three piercings, but I won't say where, and I like tacos.
Ryan Matthews: Great, I also like tacos. Welcome to the school.
Kimberly MacIntyre: Any piercings?
Ryan Matthews: [to the class] Moving on.
Kimberly MacIntyre: [to Ryan] Do you have a girlfriend?
Ryan Matthews: [laughs] That's none of your business.
Kimberly MacIntyre: Are you gay? You seem gay.
Ryan Matthews: Yeah, about as gay as your dad.
Kimberly MacIntyre: My dad's dead.
Ryan Matthews: Hm. Well, I think your dad's about as dead as I am gay.
Kimberly MacIntyre: Touché.
Jag vet att jag är helt efter i serien men kunde inte sluta skratta åt de hon sa..