EDWARD&BELLA-Barbie dolls :D

Jävligt guligt .Jag lovar mig själv att köpa dem :D Looking for a little Robert Pattinson in your life? Well, you'll soon have your chance. MTV.com reports that Mattel will soon be selling a line of Twilight-inspired Barbie dolls, including an Edward Cullen "Ken" doll and a Bella Swan "Barbie" doll. Twilight Dreamhouse presumably sold separately. The Edward doll will come complete with a "shimmering complexion" and "trademark gold eyes." According to Toys R Us' Canadian Web site, the dolls will be available for shipping on November 27. Think you can wait that long? NOOO I CAN'T!!! ska köpa allt!!! hhahahahah önska dem hade gjort One tree hill dockor också:D


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