Fake Friend Quotes
* So if I have to leave you, *
* I want you to know that in the end, *
* it wasn't because I stopped caring. *
* It was because you stopped being a friend. *
Best friends are like diamonds, *PrEciOuS* and *RaRe*
False friends are like leaves, found everywhere.
False friends are like our shadow,
keeping close to us while we walk in the *sunshine,*
but leaving us when we cross into the *shade.*
Men alla vänner är falska.
Förutom en o du vet vem de är ...såklart du !! ******(L)
* I want you to know that in the end, *
* it wasn't because I stopped caring. *
* It was because you stopped being a friend. *
Best friends are like diamonds, *PrEciOuS* and *RaRe*
False friends are like leaves, found everywhere.
False friends are like our shadow,
keeping close to us while we walk in the *sunshine,*
but leaving us when we cross into the *shade.*
Men alla vänner är falska.
Förutom en o du vet vem de är ...såklart du !! ******(L)