Dikter av mig!
I can’t sleep
I can’t breathe
I’m afraid
Of my dreams
I will only scream
My only fires is if you show up walking this streets
Haunting me down in the darkness night and the clouds will disappear,
The flours will die as they try to hide from you
The sky falls down slowly as you coming closer…..
But as you come closer I realized that I’m flying, so high and fast from you and I’m looking down and I see you disappear with the wind, and then realizing that I have wings......wings of an Angel.
My heart is broken
It’s frozen now
How could you do this to me?
Your touch
Your smile
Your whispering talk
It all
Made me believe that you’re the one
But look what you’ve done…
My head is not in the right place
I’m dead of the fight we had
Sitting here all alone trying to convince myself
I wished for a friend
And day later I got a beautiful friend
I wished for love
And a week later I got the best boyfriend in the world
I wished for new parents
And a month later I got into foster home
A year later I wished that I never wished those things because ‘’My friend’’ abandon me, My boyfriend left me…and in my new family they were not like I thought they would be.
So I realized that of those thing that I really regret it’s when I wished for new parents because in the end it was only them who wanted me back!
Love my mom and Dad, I can’t even imagine being away from them.
So be careful what you wish for, every wish have their consequences.